
现存有超过8000株转基因RNAi和flySAM激活品系,约200株Gal4品系,详情查阅附表:VALIUM1, VALIUM10, VALIUM20 and VALIUM22, pNP 和flySAM。如下表所示
Vector name Integrate site Discribe Reference
VALIUM1 attp2,on 3rd chromosome works in soma;VALIUM1 is the "weakest" and very likely require the inclusion of UAS-Dicer2 for maximum effect Ni et al., 2008, Nature Methods
VALIUM10 attp2,on 3rd chromosome works well in soma but usually not as well as VALIUM20 Ni et al., 2009, genetics.
VALIUM20 attp2,on 3rd chromosome,or attp40,on 2nd chromosome works well in both soma and germline Ni et al., 2011, Nature Methods
VALIUM22 attp2,on 3rd chromosome,or attp40,on 2nd chromosome works significantly in female germline; do not work well in soma Ni et al., 2011, Nature Methods
pNP attp2,on 3rd chromosome,or attp40,on 2nd chromosome works well in both soma and germline, can express multiple genes in one vector Ni et al., 2018, Nature Communications
flySAM attp2,on 3rd chromosome,or attp40,on 2nd chromosome works well in soma, can activate multiple genes in one vector Ni et al., 2018, PNAS


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  3. 将表格发送给果蝇中心管理员邱雨浩(qiuyh18@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn)和中心负责人刘老师(lpliu@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn)以确认订单。
  4. 首次订购需要在材料转移协议(MTA)中签名并加盖公章后将扫描件通过邮件发给我们。如需订购转基因果蝇,请您签订Materials Transfer Agreement;如需订购质粒,请您签订Materials Transfer Agreement
  5. 有意下单者请填写果蝇订购表,并以学生姓名-导师姓名-单位-日期(年月日)-邮寄/自取来命名附件以及邮件主题,谢谢配合。
  6. 选择果蝇时,请尽量选择二号染色体转基因果蝇(attp40),因为三号染色体果蝇(attp2)可能会出现浅红眼,不过不影响正常的转基因表达。
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Stocks Ordered Cost per Stock (¥)
1-5 200(around 32 USD)
6-100 100(around 14 USD)
>100 40(around 6 USD)
e.g: if you order 150 lines
Then you should pay: 1000+9500+2000=12500
Acknowledge THFC
Please acknowledge the TsingHua Fly Center in your related publications and cite Ni et al., 2011, Nature Methods. (if you have been using traditional transgenic RNAi Drosophila), Jia et al., 2018, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (if you have been using flySAM2.0 transgenic activation Drosophila), or Qiao et al., 2018, Nature Communications. (if you have been using pNP transgenic RNAi Drosophila). It is also important to specify the TRiP# (Short Hairpin) number in your Materials and Methods section so that your research is reproducible.